representation at court

representation at court

The information on this page follows on from the information on our web pages about your rights on arrest and being charged and bailed. Any solicitor can represent you in Magistrates court proceedings. However, the criminal law is very complex and like most areas of law these days it is no place for someone without specialist legal knowledge to dabble.

All of our solicitors are either in court on a daily basis, at the police station or seeing clients about criminal and motoring matters.

Only solicitors who have a legal aid franchise can offer legal aid for criminal and motoring matters. Norrie Waite & Slater have had a franchise from the inception of the present legal aid system.

Solicitor of your choice

As at the police station, you have a right to a solicitor of your choice for court proceedings. However, if you are eligible for legal aid then you will need to pick a firm that has a Legal Aid Franchise. We will advise you on whether or not you will be eligible for legal aid and make the application for you.


If your case is one that goes to the Crown Court, Norrie Waite and Slater will engage a barrister on your behalf. We will ensure that your legal aid is extended to cover the Barrister's fees to cover representing you in the crown court.

At present there is no means test for representation in the Crown Court, though that may change in the not too distant future. There will rarely be a case in the magistrates court where a barrister would be needed.

Follow this link to read information on being legal aid and funding a criminal defence case.

Contact us arrange a consultation with one of our solicitors.